Poetry By, For, and About the 96th Division

"Leyte Lament"

"One of the men in my company wrote the following poem. We all thought it was very appropriate. A lot of us did not appreciate the way we were treated by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Oh yes, he was a brilliant soldier and tactician, but he was a pompous individual too, we thought." From Jacob Zimmerli in "One Soldier's Story."

Click to get PDF version
Click to get PDF version of Zimmerli's "One Soldier's Story."
"Army Life"

"All's Well that Ends Well"

by Cpl. Clayton Bluse, Camp Adair, Oregon



"The Fighting Men of the 381st"

by Earl, G. Kost

"No New Deadeyes"  
by Wayne M Shurley  

The Keepsake

by Mary Buckner Brubaker


By Mary Brubaker for her father, General Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.


Until Someone Calls My Name by Raymond Baird

"Always a Deadeye"  

The seeds of “Always a Deadeye” were actually sown in the year 2000. This was when my son Paul and I took a tour back to the old battlegrounds of Okinawa. As we shared our combat stories, a warm realization swept over me: these men were my new buddies, and we were all Deadeyes.  After returning home, and a little later on, I put these feelings of camaraderie and sacrifice into this poem. I fussed over the words and meter and when it was finished I passed it on to other members of the tour. Jim Causey read it at the following 96th Division Reunion. I was of course delighted with the acceptance. I have an illustrated copy available for you to see or to print on this site. To have a decorated copy of this poem, just click on the little Army Star at the bottom for a PDF file to copy to your desktop and print.

Click to download a PDF Version
Click to get PDF version of Hill's story "Blue Star in the Window"

Please Feel free to submit your poetry.

This is the place to share your Deadeye Experiences in Poetry form.